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Zili Wang
Ph.D. Candidate in Systems Eng. at BU
I am a PhD student in the Robotics Lab at Boston University, advised by Prof. Sean Andersson and Prof. Roberto Tron. My research lies at the intersection of machine learning, perception, and motion planning, focusing on leveraging deep learning techniques to enable efficient planning for resource-constrained robots in structured environments. Previously, I earned a Master's degree from Columbia University and a Bachelor's degree from the University of Southampton.
Click to know more about my research experience in developing deep learning frameworks to solve diverse robot navigation, control, and mapping problems.
Click to know more about my course experience in motion planning, control, optimization, and deep learning.
Click to know more about my experience in teaching, mentoring, and paper-review.
Ph.D. in Systems Eng.
Boston University, Massachusetts
M.S. in Mechanical Eng.
Columbia University, New York
B.Eng. in Electromechanical Eng.
University of Southampton, UK
High School in NO.1 Middle School Affiliated to Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China